Frequently Asked Questions
I want to learn more about climate change and machine learning. Where can I start?
We encourage you to check out our paper, which provides a detailed guide of ways machine learning can be used to tackle climate change, as well as the accompanying tutorials on our website, and our Wiki. We also encourage you to explore routes such as setting up a reading group at your institution or via our community platform.
I’ve read the paper and checked out the resources. What should I do next?
We encourage you to join the conversations on our community platform and social media channels, sign up for our newsletter, submit to one of our workshops, or attend one of our events in order to find collaborators. You might also consider organizing or attending informal meetups through our community platform to meet others working in this area.
I don’t know much about AI. Can I still be involved?
Yes! One of our goals is to connect people working in areas relevant to climate change with experts in machine learning. For some helpful background on AI and machine learning, we encourage you to check out our tutorial on machine learning or other online resources such as this Coursera course.
I don’t know much about climate change. Can I still be involved?
Yes! One of our goals is to connect people working in machine learning to experts working in areas relevant to climate change. We encourage you to check out our tutorial on climate change. For some helpful background readings on climate change and related areas, you can also check out our Wiki.
I want to take on a project at the intersection of climate change and machine learning. Can you recommend a project for me to work on?
We encourage you to check out our paper and previous events for ideas. To discuss project ideas or find collaborators, you can head over to our community platform or join us at one of our events.
Can I collaborate with Climate Change AI on a research project?
Our goal at Climate Change AI is to promote impactful collaborations, but our organization does not do any research in-house. Please head over to our community platform to find collaborators for research projects.
I think it’s important to fight climate change, but I don’t think AI is where we should focus our efforts. Isn’t this a big distraction?
We believe AI can play a useful role in many climate change strategies (as detailed in our paper), and that it is important for AI and machine learning experts to join the global effort against climate change. That said, AI is only one piece of the puzzle; policy and technical approaches other than AI will also be critical to tackling climate change. Given the urgency of acting on climate change, we need all hands on deck.
Can my organization partner with Climate Change AI?
We do not yet offer formal partnerships, but are eager to put our heads together with like-minded organizations. If you’d like to chat, please send us an email.
I have an event, position, call for proposals, or other announcement that is relevant to climate change and AI. Can I advertise it through Climate Change AI?
Please feel free to share your announcement with us via email; we will advertise relevant announcements through our newsletter and/or social media. You can also share announcements in our community platform.
I am a data scientist looking for a career in using AI to tackle climate change. Any tips on finding jobs in this space?
We encourage you to sign up for our newsletter, which includes announcements about jobs and opportunities in climate change and AI. You may also be interested in checking out companies or institutions cited in our paper, our wiki or who have presented at our events. Consider looking at pages and job boards geared towards specific areas relevant to climate change (e.g. those areas listed in the table of contents of our paper), and at those geared towards jobs in different kinds of sectors (e.g. tech, traditional industry, the public sector, and NGOs).
I am an investor looking to fund companies and startups at the intersection of climate change and machine learning. Can you suggest any companies and startups that may be a good fit?
Please send us an email if you would like to discuss opportunities in this space. We also suggest checking out the projects presented at our previous events as well as the references and footnotes in our paper to identify promising companies and startups at the intersection of climate change and machine learning.
My company/organization has a project/business idea, and we would like to assess its climate impact. Can we contact you to conduct this assessment?
We do not offer consulting services; however, please feel free to reach out to us or to post on our community platform for feedback on related projects.