Introducing the CCAI blog
Hello, world!

CCAI’s core goals are all about serving our growing community of researchers and stakeholders who work at the intersection of climate change and AI. To that end, much of what we do is curate and produce content: we publish a newsletter; we run research workshops and host webinars; we post relevant papers, jobs, and news on Twitter and in our Circle community; we publish guides to working in this space; and so forth.
Even with all these channels, though, we’ve noticed a major gap: every so often, we’ve wanted to express an idea too big for a tweet or newsletter entry, but too informal for a highly produced web resource. Unfortunately, CCAI doesn’t have an appropriate outlet for this sort of content—or rather, it didn’t, until now.
We’re excited to announce the CCAI blog, which we hope will fill that gap. We plan for the blog to be a space for perspective pieces; for overviews of particularly interesting research; for guest appearances by the field’s many great thinkers; for roundups of links we’ve found enlightening; and for any other ideas, conversations, or reflections that we think our community will find thought-provoking and informative.
The blog won’t take over from either the newsletter or Circle. The newsletter will still serve as a periodic compilation of curated “quick hits,” and Circle will still be the place for community discussions and for sharing all manner of links, announcements, questions, and tips. The blog will cover new kinds of content, including expanded discussions of ideas and resources mentioned elsewhere in briefer form.
This project is still in its early days, and we expect it will keep evolving, so please do share any thoughts on what you’d like to see in this space.
In the meantime, we already have some great pieces in the pipeline. Expect more posts coming soon!